What It Means When People Brag
Have you ever bragged? Chances are, you have. You've also probably heard someone else brag. Bragging isn't good, but it isn't a bad thing either. It's not exactly mean, or rude, and it's not teasing. But sometimes it's hurtful and can get annoying fast. Read on for more about bragging and what to do if you know someone who does this a lot. When I was writing this post, I felt like I was contradicting a lot of the stuff I said, then contradicting the contradicts. So this post might not make a lot of sense, but here's the main point: Bragging is okay, as long as it's not hurtful bragging or if it's hurting people feelings when done purposely. What Are Examples Of Bragging? An example of bragging might be if someone says something like, "You got to have tacos for dinner last night? Well, I got to have ice cream." When people are bragging, they tend to try to make themselves look better. "My family has two cars but yours only has ...