Remaining Calm During Fights

Them: "I hate you!!! 😟"


Me: "Well you're so dumb and such a loser you can't even control your anger for the simplest thing!"

Is she the one having issues controlling her anger... or is it me?

When you are in a fight with someone, you're most likely to yell and call out rude things to the person. We mention in one of our other posts "How to say sorry" on not yelling at the person. Click here to view. Today, I'll be telling you how to remain calm during fights!

Staying calm is the most important thing to do. Without doing that, the fight could go on for a very long time. You and the other person might not even end up being friends anymore! Remaining calm at those times can help at least a little bit and both understand each other's points. Staying calm is hard, so it's important to practice. If you're mad with a sibling or someone else, try reminding yourself to stay calm and hear the other person out. 

Another thing you could do to avoid getting angry really quickly is to meditate every day. It sounds silly, but doing this can calm your brain down and you can be ready and be more alert. Doing this every day before school can be helpful and you can have patience with people. 

Listen. Listening to others can bring upon their points and you can see what they think. Only thinking of what you're saying, and not bringing the other person's point into view, you won't see what caused this fight, and why the other person could be yelling or really mad at you.

If you are mad at someone else, you should try calming him or her down. You could say "Hold on. I'll listen to your point, but can you explain it in a calmer way?" or "Let's both talk in a calmer state. I can listen to your point and you can listen to mine."

Doing some of these things are helpful and can reduce fights between your friends. I know it's hard, but practice makes perfect! Keep being kind to one another!


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