3 Steps On How to Make Friends in School!

     Maria sat at her lunch table, waiting for her friends to come. As she looked around, she saw a new kid. "Isn't she Anna?" Maria quietly said. She decided to go and talk to Anna, and maybe even become friends with her. "But wait... how do I become friends with her?"

    Today, I'm gonna teach Maria how to make friends and maybe even you too! Let's get started:

1. Approach the person

When you approach the person, don't come running to them, or quietly walking to them like your gonna scare them. Instead, try making eye contact with them. If you two see each other, wave to them and head over. That way, the person won't be startled or think your a creep or something. In the beginning, if you're making eye contact but the person won't look at you, go ahead over and maybe gently tap the person on the shoulder. Then you can start up a conversation together.

Maria looked over at Anna, who was staring at her food. She seemed kind of lonely. "Hey Anna!" Maria yelled over to Anna. Anna looked at her, and smiled. Maria waved, and came over. "So um..." What do I say?!  Maria thought. 

2. Talk to the person

You wanna start talking to the person. Just standing there would be awkward. Try asking questions about the other person. Like what food they like, color, what class they are in, who is their teacher, what their name is, etc. Talking about yourself can sometimes be a bit annoying and the other person can get bored of you. Also try saying something nice about the other person. Here's how a conversation could go:

"Hey! You're new right? What's your name?" 
"Hey Ellie! Nice to meet you. Whatsup?"
"Nothing much. What about you?"
"Nothing too much. I like your shirt!"
"Thanks! I love your shoes!"
"Thanks! What's your favorite color?"
"Purple. Yours?"
"Same! Do you like Peanut Butter? I do."
"No not really, but I love Nutella."
"Oh, that's cool! Well, see you around!"
"See ya later!"

"Hey Anna. You seem really cool. I love your shoes. Where do you shop?" Maria said. "At Macys. And thanks!" "No probs. And same! What's your favorite color? Mine is yellow." They both continued their talk for a bit and found out they had so much in common!

3. Hangout!
To get to know the person better, you probably would have to hang out! Your parents can get to know the other persons parents, and you would probably be able to hangout more. You also can go to fun places such as malls, bakery's, or other friends houses! Hanging out can also see how close you guys live to each other. If you guys live in the same neighborhood, you can practically visit everyday! If you live in different communities, you might visit once per week or so.

"Hey, Anna, do you want to hangout sometime?" Maria asked. Please say she will say yes!!! "Of course! Lets hangout tomorrow. Where do you live?"

"Okay, see you tomorrow, bye!" Maria left the school, happy about the new friend she had made.

Hey everybody! Hope you enjoyed today's post. See you later!
